YASMEEN LARI – Pakistan’s first female architect and shelter reconstruction authority
ERIC CESAL – Special Projects Director, Curry Stone Foundation,
former Director, Architecture for Humanity.
For the first time in Australia, from Maningrida to Kabul, global humanitarian experts will explore how to provide appropriate design strategies for post-disaster communities, during a series of three RMIT ‘Humanitarian Architecture’ week events.
Public Events and Activities
TALK: The architecture of humanity
2 Stories of Architects Transforming Lives through Design
8 August 2018
RMIT Design Hub
EXHIBITION, TALKS AND WORKSHOP: A day in the life of a humanitarian architect
9 August 2018, 12.30-4pm
RMIT Design Hub
Presenters: Eric J. Cesal (Architect, USA), Yasmeen Lari (Architect, Pakistan), Martyn Hook (Iredale Pedersen Hook), Jane Johnson (The Anganwadi Project), David O’Brien (The Bower Studio), Esther Charlesworth (Architects Without Frontiers), Robert Watson (Watson Architecture and Design), Shaneen Fantin (People Oriented Design), Leeanne Marshall (Australian Red Cross, AWF), Nicole Mechkaroff (Architects for Peace), Fabian Prideaux (Humanitarian Benchmark Consulting).
YASMEEN LARI – Octagreen: Semi Permanent Bamboo Shelter Workshop
SYMPOSIUM: Delivering successful shelter and infrastructure projects after disaster
MoDDD + Australian Red Cross
8 August 2018
RMIT Garden Building
A series of lectures and workshops about monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in providing shelter after disasters